Friday, April 27, 2007

New Jersey that was just sad.

I am not talking about their performance on the ice. Though they didn't show up in the first period. Or at least with my Sens colored glasses, the Devils were outplayed. What I am talking about is their attendance. Where are your fans? Can you only sellout your house when you play one of the other NYC team or Philly? The Devils have THE BEST goalie in the history of the NHL and they cannot even draw a reasonably full house for the second round of the playoffs. Now if it was only a few seat here and there. (like in Detroit, sad as well, but with those prices I can understand) But there was whole rows empty. WTF! I don't how many time I told DCSC that we could have been there. It has been couple years since I was able to go to a playoff game (Caps Fan) and it would have been great to see my 1B team live. I am currently petitioning DCSC for an opportunity to make the trek. Though I take her point that the mojo will not transfer to Jersey. Looks like I will be watching from my Lucky chair, drinking my Molson. Looks like I need to make a beer run before Saturday.

Note to the Toronto media types, that rail on the Capitals for their attendance. You need to shut the F up. The Caps haven't had a wining season in a few years now. It is a growing process, but if we win 3 cups and still can't fill the house duing the playoff then you can might have a leg to stand on.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Eagles, Green?

Yesterday the Eagles announced their plans for the 75th anniversary. One of the things they announced was that they will be wearing throwback jerseys when the play the Lions on Sept 23. These are the uniforms that the team wore their first year. Though I am sure they were not as shiny. I do have to say thank god they are wearing them for only one game. Stay with the green boys. You can dump the black uniforms as well.

Monday, April 23, 2007

NHL on Amazon Unbox

Got this little slice of news from Eric on Off Wing Opinion. The NHL will make complete games available for download. Great stuff! Cool to be able to download games that you want to re-live. So far there are only 6 games available from the 2007 playoff run , one from the regular and a few classic games.

But I have a question. Why is the only Sens game available, the only one that the Sens lost? Granted it was a good game. One that the Sens controlled most of, but they still lost it in the end. But what Sens fan in their right mind is going to pay for a NBC broadcast of this game, and what Pens fan can afford it. (at least the fans that still live in Pittsburgh) Now thanks to Russell from the SensUnderground, we know what NBC stands for, "Nothing But Crosby". The entire broadcast was a Crosby Love Fest. Yo NHL, some of us don't want the "second coming" shoved down our throats. As for the Amazon Unbox, put up some good games and maybe I will make a purchase. Something like game 4 or 6 of the 98-99 Eastern Conference final. But until then I think I will wait.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


My man-love for Emery continues! Hell for the entire Sens team. They played a great game. Frustrating the Pens for a full 60 minutes. Who is next? Time to reload the fridge before the next round. Anyone care to send some Molson XXX to a thirsty Canadian Boy in the States?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not a Sprint, but a Marathon

Sens are heading home with a 3 games to 1 lead. Nothing is sure yet, but I liked the way the Sens played today. Not a blowout, not pretty, but a solid win. Plus they kept the Canadian Diving team Captain Crosby off the scorers card. Bonus.

Can you believe this Crap!

I can't believe people can stoop this low. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Check out what Spicy found. This guy would not have the guts to say this to the families of the victims, let alone try to stop the shooter. I am trying desperately not to say what I really feel should happen to this JackAss.


Honestly where the hell does this BlueLand crap come from? One day the Trashers go from one ugly ass uniform.

To this baby blue thing. Why?

Maybe because someone bought the naming rights to the arena that the Trashers play in?

To me this is the beginning of a slippery slope. First hockey teams colors are going to be dictated by the highest bidder? Next we will start seeing NHL players sport ads such as this?

Well at least I won't have to hear about BlueLand anymore this year. 7-0, guess the Trash thought all they had to do was get to the post-season. I would have thought they would have showed up to at least one game. The Trashers have one more shot, but don't hold your breath you might go Blue.

Sorry Sens Nation.

I blame myself for the Sens loss on Saturday. I had prior engagements that I could not get out of. First was DCSC's Great Aunt's 90th Birthday, then was the DC United game. It could not be helped. I had the Sens game DVRed, I thought watching it tape delayed would have the same mojo. I was wrong.
As for the United game that I saw, what can I say except, Ech! What a stinker. Yes it was a high scoring affair, but DC was out played. It is early in the season so I am not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We have a great group of guys here, but I think that the guys have to get familiar with the new coach and new players. Once that happens I am sure things will turn around.

Back to Sens Nation.

I promise to keep to the routine. Watch the game, sitting in the same chair, wearing my Sens gear and drinking down the Molson. Go Sens!

Just wanted to share this pic. Not sure how I want it titled? My though was either "Love is in the air" or " Gee you have pretty eyes". Any thoughts?

Farewell, Gaetan Duchesne.

Farewell to former Capital, Gaetan Duchesne, rest in peace.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

So it begins!

The Playoffs are finally here, and what a beginning. Sens dominate the Pens in the first game. Great game from my point of view. Yes, I am wearing my Sens red glasses. But as a Sens/Caps guy, I must say that the coverage so far on Versus has been annoying. Isn't Versus suppose to be an impartial outlet? They spent the first two periods gushing all over themselves about the "greatness" of the Canadian Diving Team Captain, Crosby. They didn't start to adjust their tune until well into the third. Yo, Versus give a little love to the team that was winning the game. Now the Pens may have been surprised by the intensity of the playoffs, but here is to the Sens keeping the same intensity throughout the series and the playoffs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Crook and Pick

On Monday Ed Belfour was arrested again yesterday. Surprise Surprise he got drunk and got himself arrested. I just wanted to share his mug shot.

Today at noon the NHL will conducted it's lottery on what position the teams will pick. Here is what we are looking at right now with the possible top pick. Let's hope that the Caps can find the diamond in the rough and not a rough diamond. Oh, the Caps managed to lose a position. Finished 4th, picks 5th and the 5th team (Chicago) picks 1st.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

The begining of the End, The end of the begining?

With one more game left in this season for my beloved Capitals. I have to say I like the way that they are ending at least this part of it. Two wins in so many games. Nice. I love that fact that the Caps again put a monkey wrench in the Trashers playoff picture. How funny will it be if they miss the division title by a single point? I am holding my nose saying this, but Go Lightning!

Last game is against the Bufaslugs. Anyone help me out with a last minute request? Where can I get one of these in XXL?

So now it is a countdown to the beginning of the next season. That one, in my opinion begins on July 1. GMGM get us someone good. We don't want another season of disappointments