Couple weeks ago I won a NASCAR prize pack. Part of the prize was two tickets to any NASCAR race. Since it didn't include transportation,
DCSC and I pick Dover in beautiful (as DCSC calls it) slower Delaware. This was our first trip into the auto race world. I tried to go in with an open mind, but I do have my preconceived notions. Some of which were confirmed. First it was a very Caucasian affair. Not many people of color were in attendance. Though I did see a couple working the pit crews and security. I also thought it was a very southern and redneck thing. The Confederate flag was seen in many places, but to my surprise I saw quite a few Canadian as well. The first person we spoke with was a couple of guys that drove down from outside Ottawa. Now that is a hell of a drive. After that we decided to pay attention to where people came from. The winner for farthest had to be Nova Scotia. Guess it is not a southern thing, but sure was a redneck thing. Hell, mullets, sleeve-less t-shirts on very big men and hunters cammo gear were seen in abundance. Wish we could have go a picture of the trio of rotund guys all shirtless hanging by their trailer sporting the zz top beards. Priceless.
Part of thing I don't get with it is how do you pick your driver? I know in the sports I follow it is all about home teams. I follow teams in places I lived or live. I ( as Seinfeld says) root for laundry. I like players and cheer for them when they are on my team, but go to an enemy team I will pray for your demise. NASCAR does not have home teams, and most of the drivers are defiantly not from my neck of the woods. That leaves picking a sponsor and then rooting for that team. I can't cheer for a commercial product. Go Tide Go. Doesn't ring. I liken NASCAR to WWE. It seems that the drama behind the scene is just as important than what happens on the track. WWE and NASCAR both seem like soap operas for rednecks. I don't know which is more scripted.
Over all it was entertaining. Fifty dollars worth entertainment, don't know. But if anyone gives me another ticket I would attend. I mean what other stadium event lets you bring in your own food and beer. At least it got that going for it.
This is just a side note, DCSC noticed this on the way back to the Jeep and we had to take a picture. Somebody is sure going to be PO'd that they messed with his girlfriend.