Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It feels a little like Christmas.

You remember when you were a kid and couldn't wait till Santa's visit. This is how I feel right now. The first face-off is less than 24 hours away. With the beginning of the season I feel I must give my predictions.

First the Western Conference Finals This is going to be a slug fest out west, but I think the two left standing will be Anaheim and Nashville.

For the Eastern Conference Finals it is going to be tough as well. But in the end I think it will be the Ottawa and Carolina.

The Stanley Cup finals will have Anaheim and Ottawa.

And my winner is Ottawa.

Granted I hedged my bet. While I was in Vegas I put money down on the Ducks to win. 12 to 1 odds, not bad. So either way I win. So let hear it for me loosing money on my bet.


At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're biased! Of course you think it will be Ottawa. That's OK though.

At 11:36 PM, Blogger chanuck said...

My bias flows over. One can always dream, and or pray. Remember I am an Eagles fan. I always hope but they always make me sad in the end.

Go Caps
Go Sens
Go Eagles


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